Attack Of The Boomerang Gruntz III by Bjarni Cool (walktrought)


First of all enter secret teleporter trigger. Kill both boomerang gruntz. Use Zap Cola to help you. Now take with welder kitz and go to green brodgez, kill boomerang grunt and take with Zap Cola. Do same with other 3 boomerang gruntz. Kill both boomerang gruntz with sword and armor. Remember: Not do one goo on a other. Break brick. In this time you use armor and gauntletz. Now take with a goober straw and suck 4 gooz and hold green switchez and new life will comez. Letīs tell you about the new life.


New sword grunt kill boomerang grunt. Now steal his boomerang and kill both gruntz. Use Zap Cola to help you. Now enter the warp. Enter pyramitan, take with a wongz and kill one boomerang grunt and return to a wing. Do same with other gruntz. Take with Zap Cola and give go-kart to a boomerang grunt. Take with spring and next take with invurebility powerup and kill boomerang grunt. Now enter secret ? switch. Now take with a warpstone and visted the king!




To Snower, Mikker, Gamer and more authorz:

Create a walkrtoughtz of your levelz. That is better. Ok? Create it!

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